Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday Currently | 03

Hello everyone! Can you believe it, I already broke my promise to do a Sunday Currently post every Sunday. hahaha. But anyways, it's really crazy that it's already November!!!! 2015 is almost over, holy cheese balls! I've also started to write again, not just on my blog but the series that I write during my free time. I started writing it when I was a Senior in high school and I absolutely love the story, but since I started college it just got hard to make time for it. *tearss* But I'm super happy that I got to update it.



I haven't read a proper book in a really loooong time! I really want to read, "The five people you meet in heaven" the story really intrigues me. Whoever gives me that book as a present will definitely earn a penny from me! *I'm a poor college student*


This Sunday Currently post.


To the video that my sister is watching. 


This is sad, but it's still the same as what I said in my previous Sunday Currently. Still thinking about the way my life is going and what I can do to achieve my dream.


My smelly room. It's so messy and gross. *clothes everywhere* It's so messy  that I think a rat must have died in here. *JOKESSSS*  


To pass all my class this semester and to get a good grade on my test this coming Thursday *I failed  the last one*


For a fun and safe week ahead :)


My Captain America T-shirt and my black running shorts.


The fact that I'm learning to cook and my family has been loving it so far.


A really good body massage!


To take a shower, I feel dirty. I went to work this morning and I was too lazy to shower when I got home so all the gunk and sweat is still in my body. lol gross.


Content. I can't really complain about how my life is going right now because I'm healthy, my family is healthy, and I am blessed with a very understanding boyfriend. But not gonna lie, my career life needs a little help. 

I hope you guys liked this and enjoy the rest of your Sunday! 
:) xxxx

1 comment:

  1. That's really good that you're feeling content, and don't worry I think everyone feels like their career life could probably improve a little.
